Allgaier Group
MES with minimal training
"Thanks to nuveon mHub, we are now able to set up a consistent, paperless process - starting with design, through production, to controlling..."
Wolfgang Weber, head of organization and application programming
The challenge
As a supplier to the automotive industry and a specialist in mechanical and apparatus engineering, Allgaier always focuses on one aspect: efficient processes and the interaction between man and machine.
In the past, especially in the production area, activity records and material and work process bookings were entered manually in day cards. This work step was carried out by the machine operator, who gave the collected cards to the workshop office. There, several employees transferred this paper data to the existing IT systems.
As a result, this process was time-consuming, costly and labor-intensive. In order to make these processes more efficient, Allgaier went in search of a suitable solution. After careful research, Allgaier decided on nuveon mHub. The Manufacturing Execution System (MES), based on flexible wiki technology, addresses a wide range of requirements of modern manufacturing companies due to its modular structure. A basic functionality is also the time recording.
The solution
The flexible, web-based solution approach from nuveon mHub accelerated the introduction of the solution, which went live after 3 months.
"The competent advice during the project in combination with the very good response times in the support case were two outstanding points for us, which greatly simplified the implementation," explains Thomas Wendland, responsible for administration CAD/CAM in the automotive sector at Allgaier.
Previously paper-driven processes have given way to a transparent process that simplifies, for example, the recording of time periods on the milling machines: Time and material bookings can now be recorded directly electronically at the workplace via a terminal with a web interface. There was no need for a local installation.
As a result, the potential for errors caused by unclear or incorrectly filled out day or machine cards has been comprehensively minimized. It was also possible to reduce human resources, which had previously implemented the manual transfer of data to the IT systems.
“The increased degree of automation in our processes is a real gain in productivity for everyone involved. The intuitive and easy-to-understand user interface of nuveon mHub made a significant contribution to this, with which we were able to dispense with lengthy training sessions for employees on the machines,” Wendland continues.
Once the data has been recorded, it is now available to all those involved for immediate further processing - a point that is particularly important
in interaction with the ERP system Infor is an important aspect.
Infor was integrated into the overall process via the standardized nuveon interface. Predefined evaluations can now be generated in less time. Among other things, this supports the calculation of manufacturing costs in real time or enables statements to be made about downtimes. Corresponding reports were already the basis for investments in the production area, for example to further improve set-up times.
"Thanks to nuveon mHub, we are now able to set up a consistent, paperless process - starting with design, through production, to controlling. At the same time, it is always guaranteed that we are working with the most up-to-date data - an important aspect for demanding projects and on-schedule and customer-oriented production," summarizes Wolfgang Weber, Head of Organization and Application Programming at Allgaier.
In the future, the company plans to further expand the use of nuveon mHub. An introduction to component production and the press shop is planned. The experiences already gained and the benefits achieved should serve as a basis for the continuous optimization of manufacturing processes. Allgaier expects the development of additional potential benefits, especially in the quantity recording of serial parts.